Growing up, you often meet or encounter individuals who suffer from harsh breakouts. Maybe you're even one of those people, or you were back in high school. If so, you definitely know the internal suffering and confidence-killing involved. It's difficult to walk with your head held high when there's a battle-field of zits spanning from chin to forehead. Once we hit puberty and started junior high school, his nightmare with pimples began. As we progressed through high school, it only got worse.
The dermatologist may give a prescription. A topical medication called Retin-A, and the over was for an oral acne remedy. Although the oral severe acne treatment is not as common, it's definitely available if you need it. Ask your dermatologist for more information. With daily cleansing, application of the topical treatment and the oral medication the facial breakout becomes mild.
Many young people such as teenagers don't know how to tackle their breakout issues. So instead of improving their skin clarity, they may end up worsening the condition by washing excessively. Typically for people with oily skin, three times a day is the maximum. For other skin types it's even less. Consult your dermatologist if you suffer from harsh breakouts, and acquire that severe acne treatment you need to clear things up.