Building your credit is a sure-fired solution for stopping creditors and collection agencies from nagging you every day. Regardless of the laws and regulations stipulated on credit bureaus, creditors, collection agencies, and other sources that collect debt, many will break all the laws, simply because they want their money.
If you have utilities, insurance policies, car payments, mortgages, credit cards, and other debts you might want to layout a budget plan that you can meet each month. If you see, any potential risks ahead make sure to find a solution ahead of the game to avoid creditors and collection agency hassles.
If you see that you are in over your head or potential risks could develop, you might want to get ahead by selling a few valuable items. When you are paid for, the items make sure you apply the funds to your bills, or else open a savings account that will benefit you and your money. Savings that offer no start up fees or interest against your money is the best solution for saving cash.
Pre-paid cards are the same in contrast as major credit cards, only you apply money to the account, paying a low fee and then you can use the card.